Beginning today, the earth will be no more. Humanity will come face to face with its greatest trial yet, to survive a new and exotic home called Planet Mira. To keep players informed and vigilant, this multi-part video series will ensure they are ready for their perilous mission.
Your New Home: In the first survival guide, players will get a glimpse of humanity's newest home within Planet Mira, New Los Angeles (NLA). NLA, modeled off the original west coast city of the same name, is one of the last bastions of humanity.
Planetary Defense 101: Planet Mira is home to a wide array of dangerous life forms. To prepare players for the worst, this video will go over the mechanics of combat.
Large Skell Combat: With so many deadly predators in Planet Mira, some of them will require maximum firepower to defeat. Get a crash course on Skells with this video!
Mining Your Own Business: With Mira being an uncharted planet, it's imperative that players learn everything they can about it. Using resources from the planet, players can manufacture their own arms to help with their journey.
Please let us know if you have any questions about Xenoblade Chronicles X or the videos. We're happy to help!
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